Background: Though home-based human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) counseling and testing (HBHCT) is implemented in many sub-Saharan African countries as part of their HIV programs, linkage to HIV c…
This report highlights the findings of the project including lessons learnt from the implementation of a dual approach that included grant making and self documentation of women's experiences li…
Women who have experienced intimate partner violence are 55% more likely to be HIV positive. Every hour 50 young women become newly infected with HIV.
The ranges around the estimates in this list (given in square brackets) define the boundaries within which the actual numbers lie based on the best available information for the year 2014.
Adolescent girls (15-19) account for approximately two thirds of new HIV infections among adolescents.
Introduction: Knowledge of a person’s HIV status during pregnancy is critical for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV. Objectives: To determine the prevalence and factors associat…
Maternal viral load and immune status, timing and route of delivery, viral subtype, and host genetics are known to influence the transmission, acquisition and disease progression of human immun…
Background: Gender inequalities in relationship power may promote unprotected sexual intercourse. Goals: The goal of this study was to gain insight into the specific gender dynamics in the intim…
Objectives: To investigate changing nutritional demographics of treated HIV-1-infected patients and explore causes of obesity, particularly in women of African origin. Methods: We prospectively r…