Access and use of the internet mirrors the sex/gender, class and other power dynamics offline, so do the violations. State control, censorship, surveillance, invasion of privacy, curtailment of fre…
An as yet unsettled question posed within feminist debates is whether women's increased participation in informal economic activity contributes to their empowerment or their impoverishment (Meagher…
This article examines the writings of women who explicitly embrace wifely submission, including those who advocate corporal punishment. Through a close reading of primary sources, the article see…
The “living being does not simply perform a program,” writes French feminist philosopher Catherine Malabou in a 2016 Critical Inquiry essay on the new science of epigenetics (435). Epigenetic…
In the early 1970s Angela Davis, one of the most visible faces in US Marxist and feminist activism, visited Egypt. The result of the trip was not only a fascinating account of her experiences, pu…
The discourse of identity has focused on characteristics that all human beings share in common with certain other human beings, and the way in which individuals are unique (Kluckhohn and Murray, …
There will be a time, in most of the world, when the last well goes dry. And this is because so much of the world lives already on the brink of a dreadful thirst, a life only made tolerable becau…
Feminist Africa adds up to over half a century of experience in all aspects of film-making and film scholarship, not to mention all the hours that we-like most of you-spend in lifetimes of viewing …
Feminist struggles in Africa are fought from various fronts, with the law representing but one of them. A major weakness that continues to affect much feminist activism on the continent is the lack…
My starting point in this essay is that, if it can be ascertained that there is something called Black African feminism (which represents the interests of some Black African women) as claimed by fe…