The AWDF believes in adhering to generally acceptable principles and practices for effective grant making.
Over the past fourteen years, AWDF has invested in an expanding movement towards the full recognition of women’s rights and the active participation of women in local, regional, nation…
AWDF awards grants to African women's organizations working in the following thematic areas: Women's Human Rights Economic Empowerment Political Participation Peace-Building Healt…
A collective poem compiled and written by Toni Stuart at the 4th African Feminist Forum, 10-12 April 2016, in Harare, Zimbabwe. The poem uses words, phrases, ideas and thoughts shared by the women …
2009 Annual Report: Imparting Generations of African Women
On August 12th, 2013, the hashtag #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen trended worldwide. In four short days, it was tweeted over 75,465 times (Topsy 2015). Coined by Mikki Kendall (@Karynthia) during a Twit…
2012 has been an eventful year for the African Women's Development Fund (AWDF). AWDF has made in supporting women led initiatives to transform their
This article draws on the data from a larger ethnographic study which tracked the lives of three academics who had just become mothers. In it, I respond to the question I have repeatedly encountere…
In this article, I describe and analyse women’s activism where I have encountered it in these three settings. From the self analysis and personal transformation processes in each setting I reflec…