Objectifs : Cette recherche s’intéresse d’une part au manque d’études sur les femmes dans les migrations en générale et d’autre part, aux violences subies par celles-ci lors de leurs pa…
Dans la ville de Québec, les immigrantes africaines fréquentent peu les services d’aide aux victimes de violence sexuelle. Pour comprendre ce phénomène, nous avons élaboré cette étude mixt…
L'objectif de ce travail est d'analyser les différentes formes de pratiques de l'économie sociale et solidaire qui permettent aux femmes africaines d'aller au delà de leur vulnérabilité. Ces a…
Climate change is now compromising the sustainability of human development on the planet because it threatens human health and the ecological support systems on which life depends. Health impact o…
The study was aimed at determining women farmers’ agricultural information needs and accessibility, using Apa local government area of Benue State as a case study. A sample size of 70 women farm…
Research on gender in agriculture was conducted in Ambo district, Ethiopia, between July and September 2007 to assess gender roles in crop production and management. During the study period, gender…
AWDF is a women-led grant-making foundation that supports women's organizations working to ensure social justice, equality and respect for women's rights in Africa.
Ghanaian women’s agitations for economic justice have been a marked feature of their activism since pre-independence nationalist struggles, including the trade blockades of 1917 and 1918. Marke…
Although being an African, a sex worker and a feminist are often considered to be incongruent identities, in certain embodiments they intersect and inform each other. This Profile highlights what…