This article contextualizes feminist activism within Northern Ghana, highlighting the complexities of activism in this society. I argue that although social media provides space for the articulatio…
This paper is based on personal stories as told by Kenyan women. The stories were compiled by the author in 2001 and 2002when interviewing Kenyans on their views regarding the new constitution. T…
This study seeks to examine and analyze the different ways in which African women leaders in their respective capacities in civil society, political parties and in government/State institutions h…
Progressively over the last decade, feminist creative organising in Accra has taken shape through collectives and projects working to amplify visibility and provide affirming space for women and wo…
This chapter introduces the reader to characteristics of gendered thinking, its neglect within psychology and peace psychology, and discusses how peace building as commonly defined lacks a gender p…
Voice, Power and Soul is a platform to amplify the voices of African women and more importantly to challenge the dominant narratives which portray African women largely as passive recipients of aid.
The African Women's Development Fund (AWDF) hosted the fourth regional African Feminist Forum (AFF) in Harare, Zimbabwe from 10-12 April 2016 under the theme, African Feminism: Voice, Power and Sou…
"Since 1996, Isis WICCE has demonstrated an impressive alternative to the world's limited responses to situations of armed conflict particularly in addressing women's dire needs. The organization …
"In this report, we start by exploring the journeys of Isis-WICCE and UAF-Africa as they work with women across the continent. We learn about their achievements in supporting and unleashing the pot…
This publication breaks the silence regarding women's sexuality. Governments, women's rights activists and other social movements, often fail to understand the connection between sex work, forced e…