Reproductive Health and Wellness
Socio – Economic Determinants of Abortion Among Women in Mozambique and Ghana: Evidence from Demographic and Health Survey
Background: Despite the variances in abortion laws accounting for differences in incidence of abortion among
African countries, it appears there is absence of literature on other factors that may also account for the differences
in incidence of abortion. Specifically, there is paucity of information on how socio-demographic factors account for
the disparities in prevalence of pregnancy termination among women of reproductive age in sub-Saharan Africa. In
view of this, this paper examined how socio-demographic factors influence pregnancy termination among women
in reproductive age in Mozambique and Ghana.
Methods: The study made use of data from the 2014 Ghana and 2011 Mozambique Demographic and Health
Survey for the study. For the purpose of this study a sample of 9375 and 13,660 made up of women in their
reproductive ages (15–49) in Ghana and Mozambique respectively was used. The results on the analysis of the
association between socio-demographic factors and pregnancy termination are presented as odds ratio (OR) with
95% confidence intervals (CI).
Results: The results revealed that about 25% of the respondents in Ghana and 9% of the respondents in Mozambique
reported ever had a pregnancy terminated. In both countries, the odds of pregnancy termination were high among
women with primary education, those in the older age groups, women who were Christians and women who were
employed. Similarly, higher odds of pregnancy termination were found among ever married women, those who less
than four births or more and those who have had access to social media (radio and television).
Conclusion: To reduce unintended pregnancies that could lead to pregnancy termination, there is a need for regular
integrated community-based outreach programs targeted at generating community responsiveness of effective
contraception and prevention of unintended pregnancy.
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