Religion and Spirituality
African Feminist Theologies, the Global Village, and the Imperative of Solidarity across Borders
women began to respond theologically to the injustice of sexism. Women around the globe, however, have come to realize that women's ex periences are extremely diverse. There is no such thing as a generic women's experience to which a generic feminist theology would respond as its subject matter. The diversity of women's experiences has therefore occasioned the rise of several feminist theologies as women around the globe wrestle with the often peculiar ways in which sexism impacts them in their particular social, po litical, and historical locations. Thus, in the United States, a context that is palpably diverse, feminist theologies include womanist theology, developed by women of African descent in response to what they have referred to as their "double jeopardy" of living at the intersection of racism and sexism. Mujerista theologians have also emerged, to name themselves and respond to injustices that confront them not only as women but as Latina/Hispanic women.
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