HIV AND WOMEN AT RISK: An analysis of the policy, legal and socio-structural framework gaps leading to gender disparities in South Africa
The HIV epidemic in South Africa continues to be driven by gender inequalities and harmful gender norms that promote unsafe sex and reduce access to sexual and reproductive health services for women, men, girls, boys and transgender people. Of the estimated 6.4 million South African people living with HIV, 3.87 million are women and 2.53 million are men. Girls and young women aged 15–24 constitute one of the most vulnerable sub populations in South Africa – HIV prevalence has consistently been highest among girls and young women in this age group in comparison to boys and young men in the same age group. This study seeks to review the impact of the current national response to HIV and AIDS, taking stock of what has worked thus far, whist also pointing to new initiatives which need to be put in place.
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