Gender and Sexuality
Towards an Anti-Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Norm in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
The research findings reveal that the majority of the governments in the ICGLR have made great strides to fulfil their commitments to prevent SGBV, punish perpetrators and support survivors as stated in the declaration. Most countries have shown good results in developing SGBV legislations; gender policies as well as putting in place gender focal points within different government ministries and departments. Non-government organisations (NGOs) in most countries have partnered with their governments and taken a lead role in launching public education campaigns to affirm the declaration that SGBV will no longer be tolerated nationally and in the region. Most countries have also made progress in establishing one-stop recovery centers for survivors of SGBV. While these gains have not been achieved without challenges, the significance of this progress should not be underestimated.
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