Feminist Studies
Women Organising in Senegal: Charmaine Pereira speaks with Codou Bop
Codou Bop is a longstanding feminist in Senegal, co-founder and coordinator
of the organisation GREFELS (Groupe de Recherche sur les Femmes et
les Lois au Senegal) or Research Group for Women and Laws in Senegal.
The conversation below took place between Dakar and Abuja, via Skype, in
January 2017. Codou’s strategic positioning at the nexus of local, national,
and transnational feminist organising highlights the recursive relations among
these different levels and ways in which they contribute to the strengthening of
synergy among interconnected feminist struggles within Senegal. Whilst deeprooted
obstacles to gender equality remain, particularly at the level of political
leadership, new groups of politically mobilised Senegalese women are beginning
to change power relations in the society, in rural as well as urban spaces.
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