Feminist Studies
African Women: Voicing Feminisms and Democratic Futures
"The need to support the cause of feminism and social justice in Africa has never been stronger than it is under the present condition of chronic neocolonialism. News about modern Africa today should inspire rage and a desire for revolution, for the sheer enormity of perceived chaos—wars, ethnic violence, famine, poverty, abuse of women and girls, high infant mortality, epidemics of HIV infection, AIDS, corruption of politicians and governments! Are these necessarily new maladies or the lingering effects of a long history of negative chain reactions from earlier external violations and exploitation? Africa has continued to suffer mal-development throughout the past millennium under Christian mission and Islamic imperialism, and the Arab trans-Saharan and European trans-Atlantic trade in humans. Imperialism was intensified during the European scramble for Africa in the late 19th century that culminated in colonial conquest and rule in the 20th century. Now, the continent is bearing the burden of neocolonialist exploitation by global multinationals and financial institutions. This is the context of African women's presence in international feminisms."
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