Feminist Studies
Think Tank 4 on Strengthening Women Leaders' Base Camp
"In this report, we start by exploring the journeys of Isis-WICCE and UAF-Africa as they work with women across the continent. We learn about their achievements in supporting and unleashing the potential of women leaders, and the challenges they have faced. The Isis-WICCE Peace Center is highlighted as a place where women leaders will be able to go and share experiences, analyse research, strategise, take care of themselves and rest. The think tank was focused on armed post-conflict countries1, and brought together activists from Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, South Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe. It focused mostly on strategies for enhancing and activating women's political leadership. We also cross-examined the issue of Africa Rising, by looking at the
definition of this term and what it means to us African women. It emerges that although a few people on the continent are leading better lives, the majority are not. Siphokazi Mthathi, Director of Oxfam South Africa, takes us through different suggestions of what we can do to make Africa a better place, including transnational feminist organising and knowledge generation, among others."
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