Development Studies
Local Human Development in Contexts of Permanent Crisis: Women’s Experiences in the Western Sahara
Sahrawi women are active agents in the social dynamics of the refugee camps, in which they have developed
a number of coping strategies to overcome the hardships of a deteriorating humanitarian situation.
Since the outbreak of the con#ict and the forced settlement in Tindouf, Algeria, women have been responsible
for the entire management of refugee camps, assuming leadership roles in many sectors of society.
$is paper highlights the Sahrawi women’s contribution to the process of local human development in a
context of protracted refuge such as the one in the Western Sahara. In addition to the enlargement of the
refugee population’s capacities in relation to material and physical assets, social and organizational abilities,
and motivational strengths, one of the major achievements of Sahrawi women has been their own
individual and collective process of empowerment within the camp life.
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