Development Studies
Report of the Multisector Impact Assessment of Gender Dimensions of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Sierra Leone
In the face of adversity such as the crisis of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) which has dealt a heavy blow to the Republic and the people of Sierra Leone; and the efforts to urgently respond to the epidemic, all
systems have been activated to stop the disease in Sierra Leone. To this end, the government through the Leadership of the Ministry of Social
Welfare, Gender and Children's Affairs in partnership with UN Entity for Gender, (UN WOMEN), OXFAM GB Sierra
Leone and Statistics Sierra Leone designed and executed the Multi-sector Gender Dimensions
Impact Assessment of the Ebola Virus Disease on the people of Sierra Leone in order to better understand
the gender dimensions and impact of EVD on men, women, boys and girls so that gender responsive and
specifically targeted interventions could be designed and implemented.
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