AWDF Publications
The AWDF Summary of Strategic Plan 2001 - 2004
The year 2000 review of the impact of the 4th United Nations World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995) revealed that there are still considerable obstacles in the way of achieving worldwide equality for women. Global phenomena such as the debt crises, structural adjustment policies, increased militarisation and communal violence, have continued to widen the gap between most Western nations and developing regions.
The Africa region has fared particularly badly over the past two decades, especially under the impact of the negative consequences of globalisation. If there is a crisis, women are affected in different ways from men, and in most cases, they suffer most. This affects all spheres of development economic, political, technological or social. Therefore women in Africa have borne the brunt of the continent's misfortunes. According to the recent Beijing Plus 5 Review process, progress on implementing the Beijing Platform for Action in the Africa region, has been slow. A combination of factors such as economic decline, political instability, lack of political will, conflict, lack of adequate communication systems, inadequate institutional mechanisms for mainstreaming gender, and the devastating impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic have marred the process.
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