Race, Culture, and Identity
Breaking labyrinths : An insight into our lived experiences. Report based on a community-led research evaluating the priority needs of lesbian, bisexual and queer communities. In six francophone West/Central African Countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, and Togo
The study ‘’Breaking Labyrinths: an insight into our lived experiences” has been implemented by the PI7 organisations and leaders, in order to provide quantified data about the health and well-being of LBQ individuals. It evaluates the general health situation, mental health situation, health needs, and experiences of violence of LBQ women, in six francophone West African countries, including Cameroon. Based on a community approach, this research has been designed and validated by LBQ organisations and leaders who contributed their expertise. The results are based on the analysis of a survey (an adapted and standardised questionnaire) of 1,158 participants, selected and identified from the interviewers’ networks. This unique quantitative study of LBQ people in West Africa, points out significant deficiencies in the health services offered to LBQ people, particularly services for trans men. It also sheds light on the violence experienced by LBQ people, including spousal violence. This has a negative impact on their well-being, which leads to mental health disorders. This report is therefore a relevant tool which could help inform the creation of programs and interventions, that take the lived realities of LBQ people from francophone West Africa into account.
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