This article is about systems of power, and the way different power systems – global, local, patriarchal and family – interconnect and create vulnerability to epidemic and infectious diseases a…
Attempts to address the gender dimensions of governance, peace and security in Africa are often plagued by several undermining tendencies. This paper discusses this disconnect between policy, schol…
Women face different forms of insecurity on a daily basis across the African continent. These are informed by the nature of women's labor, work environment, sexual orientation and failure in servic…
This primer analyses the successes and gaps in women's movements' approaches to the intersections between governance and the security complex. These insights are based on AWDF's analysis of some…
Our contributors focus on the gendered meanings of the everyday lived spaces – of homes and neighbourhoods in townships and peri-urban peripheries of Cape Town and Lusaka. The individual author…
Writing a piece on the politics of becoming intellectual - something that so many African women are terrified of - made me realise what a rare opportunity I had been presented with to say some of t…
This survey serves as a reference point against which future progress and achievements across the project proposal documents that girls and young women's participation remains low and often tokenis…
Access and use of the internet mirrors the sex/gender, class and other power dynamics offline, so do the violations. State control, censorship, surveillance, invasion of privacy, curtailment of fre…
This article focuses on the Anti-Eviction Campaign (AEC) in Cape Town, South Africa, which is part of the larger anti-privatization movement, mobilized by disadvantaged township residents to asse…