This article focuses on the Anti-Eviction Campaign (AEC) in Cape Town, South Africa, which is part of the larger anti-privatization movement, mobilized by disadvantaged township residents to asse…
The focus of this article, however, is not primarily disciplinary paradigms or the tension of inhabiting incompatible orientations with regard to the ethnographic context of my research. Such con…
This article examines how legendary representations enable reinterpretation of the histories of women in Africa. It shows that ascribing heroic and revolutionary qualities to remembered African wom…
This article investigates gender implications of judicial activism within the context of the 2011 revolution. Relying on analysis of a sample of judicial decisions in the field of divorce and chi…
In sub-Saharan Africa, the history of women’s involvement in liberation struggles and the realignment of gender relations following independence have long been characterized as a kind of gender…
There is no chance of making poverty history without significant and rapid improvements to have lives of women and girls in all countries. The post framework presents a unique opportunity to build …
We acknowledge African women’s experience, skill and agency in leading positive change in all domains, and therefore focus our investments in resourcing African women’s activism, amplifying Afr…
This guide was developed by FEMNET fellows based on their experiences and expertise in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The document helps organisations to mainstream gender in their organisations' polic…
“Nebuchadnezzar lived in the bush and his nails became so long that they looked like claws of cats, following a punishment from God for his disobedience,” runs a May 1964 letter to ‘Women…
This issue set out to continue documenting and reflecting on feminist contributions to pan-Africanism, and the implications of pan-africanism for feminism in Africa.