This study examined emerging gender issues as correlates to sustainable vocational agriculture education in Taraba State, Nigeria. Four specific objectives and research questions guided the study. …
Research on gender in agriculture was conducted in Ambo district, Ethiopia, between July and September 2007 to assess gender roles in crop production and management. During the study period, gender…
This study was to analyze the cost of the gender gap in agriculture in both Kenya and Rwanda.
Une étude a été réalisée autour des villes de Garoua et Ngaoundéré en vue de caractériser les systèmes de production dans les périmètres maraîchers existants. Les enquêtes et observ…
This history of urban agriculture in Africa dates to the colonial era when farming flourished in urban areas, largely to meet consumption needs of bureaucrats, settlers, and other elites. Urban agr…
Globally, there are social, economic and environmental challenges related to sustainable development; these challenges include climate change, the need to feed a rapidly increasing population, high…
The objective of this study was to analyse the cost of the gender gap in agriculture in both Kenya and Rwanda. Data were collected in Makuyu in Muranga County in Kenya and in Musambira in the South…
"The history of urban agriculture in Africa dates to the colonial era when farming flourished in urban areas, largely to meet consumption needs of bureaucrats, settlers, and other elites. Today, ur…
Available statistics indicates that, women form about 35.1% of the agricultural work force in Ghana, and account for 70% of production of subsistence crops. Also, about 90% of the labour force in t…