L'objectif de ce travail est d'analyser les différentes formes de pratiques de l'économie sociale et solidaire qui permettent aux femmes africaines d'aller au delà de leur vulnérabilité. Ces a…
In this article, I use feminist political ecology to reframe displacement with the intention of revealing its multiscalar, micropolitical, and differentiated dimensions. Rebecca Elmhirst writes, …
In recent years, women’s economic empowerment (WEE) has been the focus of perhaps the most intensive spotlight to date within the international development global arena. The creation of the UN …
AWDF awards grants to African women's organizations working in the following thematic areas: Women's Human Rights Economic Empowerment Political Participation Peace-Building Healt…
This issue seeks to explore the inter-connectors among economic liberation policies, land and resource tenures, and labor relations in the structuring of gendered livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Throughout history, different feminist researchers, scholars and academicians have argued that women have been socially, politically and economically subordinate to men. Their subordination can be …
Women’s land rights are fundamental for women’s economic empowerment. Increasingly, the nationalization of customary land and the current growth in private land ownership and commercial farming…
An analysis of the implications of these Trade Arrangement (TAs) on gender and women's economic empowerment would provide opportunity to review their usefulness as effective tools for gender-respon…