This article reflects on contemporary struggles for citizenship rights through an examination of civil society’s advocacy for the passage of domestic violence legislation in…
"The African Feminist Forum took place from 15 - 19 November 2006 in Accra, Ghana. The meeting brought together over 100 feminist activists from all over the region and the diaspora. The space was…
The discourse of identity has focused on characteristics that all human beings share in common with certain other human beings, and the way in which individuals are unique (Kluckhohn and Murray, …
Women face many barriers in accessing markets for their agricultural products. Collective action (CA) has been identified as a potential option to overcome such barriers and empower them. As such, …
This chapter analyses the links between development and conflict in the context of the protest movements that have arisen in response to the increasing commodification of collective land in Morocco…
Weaving Kenya is a feminist collective formed in 2012 as a staging ground for women’s collaborative and cooperative creativity. In a cyber-space anchored in Nairobi, a group of Weaving women conv…
Women face many barriers in accessing markets for their agricultural products. Collective action (CA) has been identified as a potential option to overcome such barriers and empower them. As such, …