This report provides a snapshot Think Tank that was held in Harare as a follow up to the previous Think Thanks that were held in Kampala. It gives an overview of the next steps as far as women a…
Attempts to address the gender dimensions of governance, peace and security in Africa are often plagued by several undermining tendencies. This paper discusses this disconnect between policy, schol…
Women face different forms of insecurity on a daily basis across the African continent. These are informed by the nature of women's labor, work environment, sexual orientation and failure in servic…
This primer analyses the successes and gaps in women's movements' approaches to the intersections between governance and the security complex. These insights are based on AWDF's analysis of some…
The increase in female-headed households in Kenya has contributed to increased poverty levels leading to deliberate efforts by the national government as well as other stakeholders to develop s…
In 2012, food insecurity is still a major global concern as 1 billion people are suffering from starvation, under-, and malnutrition, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation…
Efforts to address the gender dimensions of governance, peace and security in Africa have registered some success. At the same time, fundamental challenges remain. These challenges continue to rele…
This article provides an initial overview of the African Union’s progress and challenges in implementing the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda in its peace and security architecture. It revi…
Isis-WICCE has trained about one thousand two hundred women from twenty nine countries. Utilizing this number the organization continues to facilitate and strengthen the activities of the trained w…
This issue looks at conflicts in Africa ranging from family, land to civil conflicts and how they have affected the lives of African women, children and the elderly. Women play an important role in…