The study ‘’Breaking Labyrinths: an insight into our lived experiences” has been implemented by the PI7 organisations and leaders, in order to provide quantified data about the health and wel…
En dépit de la surreprésentation des modèles d’intervention occidentaux dualistes et de l’insuffisance des services de santé mentale en Afrique, les féministes africaines ont recours à un…
The overrepresentation of dualistic Western intervention models and inadequate mental healthcare services by states notwithstanding, African feminists are tapping into a range of self/women-led he…
Behind the figures of African women affected with mental health and neurological conditions are women in diverse contexts, facing many systemic and structural issues. This article interrogates mean…
This article interrogates mental health meanings, experiences, and challenges faced by African women. It discloses an intricate picture of mental health in Africa through the perspectives of Africa…
Derrière les chiffres sur les femmes africaines atteintes de troubles mentaux et neurologiques se cachent des femmes issues d’horizons divers, confrontées à de nombreux problèmes systémiques…
Cet article s’interroge sur les implications de la santé mentale, les expériences et les défis auxquels sont confrontées les Africaines. Il révèle une image complexe de la santé mentale en…
Isis-WICCE, using its action oriented approach noted the urgent need for the development of a standardised locally adapted training manual for use to train operational level health workers working …
Isis-WICCE in partnership with Jamme/Kashmir Association carried out a study on the ‘impact of armed conflict on the Health of half widows in Kashmir- India’. The study explored the me…
All children experience fears during childhood, including fear of the dark, monsters and strangers. These fears are normal and temporary. However, chronic activation of the body's stress response s…