Background. Production of foods safe for consumption is an important issue worldwide. Organochlorine pesticides (OCP) are often used to preserve crops. Their use can have serious impacts on human…
ROWENA MARTINEAU discusses the absence of black women from science and engineering disciplines and occupations. Will a IN BRIE woman-friendly environment and the reconstructing of social roles e…
The increase in female-headed households in Kenya has contributed to increased poverty levels leading to deliberate efforts by the national government as well as other stakeholders to develop s…
In 2012, food insecurity is still a major global concern as 1 billion people are suffering from starvation, under-, and malnutrition, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation…
Dietary patterns are sensitive to differences across socio-economic strata or cultural habits and may impact programing of diseases in later life. The purpose of this study was to identify distinct…
Food insecurity in Kenya has been a big challenge amongst many households. In the pursuit of family survival in situations where the family granaries are empty, women are known to bear the most r…
This paper discusses the major challenges women in Kenya face as they try to ensure and maintain food security at the household level. The paper demonstrates that women in Kenya lack land ownership…
Women play a vital role in the production of food. Most importantly, they are critical in the storage, processing as well as the provision of food at the household level. It is also a fact that as …
It was not until the 1970s that the importance of inproving the Status of women through access to land began to be viewed as an integral part of the solution to the problems of less developed count…