Despite many years of struggles to get out of the malaise of underdevelopment, the African continent is still trapped in conditions that dehumanize and marginalize a large segment of the population…
Depuis les années 1980, on assiste à un essor important de l’exploitation artisanale de l’or dans de nombreux pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Dans la région sud-ouest du Burkina Faso, l’…
En Afrique, la question de la traite et du trafic des êtres humains a, pendant longtemps, été abordée sous l’angle de l’exploitation économique surtout dans le cadre des pires formes de …
Just like social occurrences such as human sacrifice and slavery enhanced retardation of progress in Africa in the past, trafficking is another social occurrence addressed in contemporary African…
Just like social occurrences such as human sacrifice and slavery enhanced retardation of progress in Africa in the past, trafficking is another social occurrence addressed in contemporary African…
Just like social occurrences such as human sacrifice and slavery enhanced retardation of progress in Africa in the past, trafficking is another social occurrence addressed in contemporary African l…
En Afrique, la question de la traite et du trafic des êtres humains a, pendant longtemps, été abordée sous l’angle de l’exploitation économique surtout dans le cadre des pires formes de tr…
Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most prevalent human rights violations without considering social, economic, age, ethnicity, religion and national boundaries, and which affects the heal…
Child domestic work is one of the most common forms of child labor globally and is considered a form of modern-day slavery (UNICEF 1999; Black 2002). There are an estimated 17.2 million child domes…