Previous studies, conducted mainly in Asian countries, have shown that women's empowerment is associated with contraceptive use, lower fertility, and longer birth intervals. Yet little is known abo…
CONTEXT: Given that maternal morbidity and mortality from unsafe abortion persist, especially in Africa, there is a pressing need to understand the abortion decision-making process. However, littl…
Previous studies, conducted mainly in Asian countries, have shown that women's empowerment is associated with contraceptive use, lower fertility, and longer birth intervals. Yet little is known a…
Background Rigorous evidence of the effectiveness of male engagement interventions, particularly on how these interventions impact relationship power dynamics and women's decision-making, remains l…
Many women living with HIV experience gendered power inequalities, particularly in their intimate relationships, that prevent them from achieving optimal sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and …
The ability of women to be final decision makers at home to a large extent is dependent on their background characteristics. The aim of this paper is to ascertain who these women are. Data from the…
Many women living with HIV experience gendered power inequalities, particularly in their intimate relationships, that prevent them from achieving optimal sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and ex…