Peasant demand for land is one of the crucial issues determining Zimbabwe's strategy for agrarian transformation. Yet women's demand for land has been ignored. Susie Jacobs traces the development o…
Women are generating knowledge about themselves and looking at facts about their lives and experiences and reflecting on them to make the seeds of knowledge grow. This feminist framework helps us t…
As in the rest of southern Africa, physical mobility was a crucial issue in the relationship between the colonial rulers and the ruled in colonial Zimbabwe (or southern Rhodesia, as it was named by…
In sub-Saharan Africa, the history of women’s involvement in liberation struggles and the realignment of gender relations following independence have long been characterized as a kind of gender…
This issue set out to continue documenting and reflecting on feminist contributions to pan-Africanism, and the implications of pan-africanism for feminism in Africa.
In this article, I consider how women in the former colony of Southern Rhodesia and contemporary Zimbabwe were and still are defined as “respectable” or “unrespectable”. I go on to draw out…
The title “The Hidden Patients” was chosen for three reasons, the principal one being that female Muslim patients were somehow “hidden in plain sight” – present in the colonial institutio…
The article explores the role of women, particularly non-Western edu cated Temne market women in shaping the socio-economic history of Britain's oldest colony in colonial West Africa. It addresses …